Friday, May 24, 2019

Helena Big Power Doin's

The Helena Switch returning from Montana City with cement from Ashgrove.  The boxcars are probably from Chemet in East Helena. This is the only time I have ever seen an ACe on the Switch.
Carter Street, Helena.
One day last week the 346 was the sole power on the Helena Switch. GP9 109 paired back up the next day.
The plot thickens though, as 109 is now out of service. It had been smoking a lot as of late.
The previous day the WB Q Train is setting out PRLX SD75 . The  crew was heard to ask if Helena Yard really wanted this unit.
And voila, the Helena Switch is now two big units.
While Ten-Wheeler 1382 awaits the day I win Powerball, restore it, and run excursions to Great Falls, the Switch pulls out a boxcar from the house track.
Back to the main on the connecting track. They will need to go down to the Helena West crossovers to get back into the yard. The box brought in MofW supplies which is the only traffic the house track sees.

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