Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Milwaukee - Los Angeles Auto Parts

MLLAA, Araz  California

In the early Eighties, SP ran a run through auto-rack special with the Milwaukee Road out of Chicago for distribution in SoCal. It was common to see MILW power on this train, and later with the SOO Line purchase of the Milwaukee, it was possible to see a two scoops of sherbet consist with orange MILW and cherry vanilla SOO Line SD40-2s. Above is the train coming off of the Colorado River Bridge and into California near Winterhaven. Second photo is at Araz, California, where the Sunset main crosses the Coachella Canal.  This is the Coloradan Desert, and is an area that seldom experiences freezes, but unlike the higher Mojave, which only has one winter wet season, the Coloradan Desert has a winter wet season, and gets summer "monsoon" moisture as well.

1 comment:

  1. Used to see those Milwaukee SD40-2s in Seattle in 1979. Nice photos.


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