Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Barstow and Cajon - 127 Box Camera Days

These photos were taken in December, of either 1967, or 1968. I have had these negs in a box for eons. Most were never printed, so I could save money. I used to take my rolls of 127 film into the Thrifty in Pomona, and get major static from the photo clerk when I specified "Negatives Only." Sheesh... adults! As it turns out, 127 negs fit into 35mm slide scanner carriers just fine. The picture of the SD24 led train at Summit was altered using Picassa's "Warmify" feature. Who new that George Bush The Second once worked as a developer at Google?  The PAs and F, were in storage then.  Barstow shops was filled with goodies as you can see. The SP Palmdale Cutoff train features a classic set of BAF-TF pool diesels. The Descanso site is on the right.  The two bottom shots are at Cajon, which was probably still an agency then.

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