Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Minus Four Fahrenheit and Other Helena Weather

November 30, 2014 - Fuller and Lawrence, Helena Montana

Roberts St., Helena, Montana

Grain empties crossing Montana Ave.

Just a little ethereal at Roberts Street. The still used team track is on the left.
Westbounds tied-up waiting for crews/helpers.

Helpers wait for the next push up Mullan.

Another snowy day in the Queen City.

An ML assembles its train at Carter Street in a sloppy rain and snow mix.

WB Coal at Carter St.

Departing ML at Carter St. (East end of Helena Yard)

WB Grainer gets it helper at Helena Junction

Solid swoosh consist on a WB coal.

1 comment:

  1. Always enjoyed Helena overnights during my airline (Horizon) days. I'm glad I wasn't there when the tank car blew up in the middle of the winter and knocked out power at the crew hotel and other parts of the city.


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