Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Russian Oil Trains

Turn it up. Just like in the US, increased oil production in Russia, exceeds the capacity of existing pipelines to move it. These Russian oil trains are quite spectacular with the big cubed out oil stained tank cars.


Nowhere on Earth seems immune to the the MTV Video treatment!

Map from https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi_aZb7Y5vPwe_Ctm7PweUIwWDypRWDkkQVg1tKzb2WtVt1bGChRYZXLSF7H_73s85LnA9udoZTgfGfSq8iLXeA40ieAWT9RmpWho8fFK-30JTHIrr88OV_9qeUWFootbu2Au6orP0XOxvN/s1600/3.++Russian+oil+and+gas+fields.png

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